Monday 9 January 2012

Been a while since an update... just plodding along with getting bits and bobs done. 
Its a good job its all but finished now Morris has arrived on the scene.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Disused quarry about 2.5 miles from Hawes near Burtersett. This will be where the stone for our barn roof originally came from more than likely.

Hawes in the distance. Looks more like June than April. Hasn't rained all month.

Hawes got the bunting out for the Royal Wedding. 

Got the sink fitted though admittedly I could have done a better job of the taps.

how we've been cooking, washing up etc. 

Breakfast al fresco la de da. 

Fresh coat of paint for our car boot bargain chairs and table. 

Shed now fully painted up and ready for take off. 

Maureen's (her next door) new wall she's building.

Kindling stockpiled. 

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Water cylinder is in there. 

Look! I've finished all the plastering! 

It's not blue. It's white, those are just the protective films. 

Sink for the kitchen. 

What Mel is using to colour the work top I made.